Loosen Up: Teaching Foam Rolling Remotely

Loosen Up: Teaching Foam Rolling Remotely

Spending any amount of time in isolation is demanding but for some people, the lack of being able to access physiotherapy, fitness instruction and sports massage services could be having an impact on their overall movement.


In times such as this, physiotherapists can provide the tools and advice to help patients make do and mend, as it were.


Foam rolling has become immensely popular in the last few years amongst professionals and amateurs alike but it’s not as simple as buying a foam roller and going for it. By teaching your clients how to use foam rolling to reduce their chance of injury or rehabilitate an existing injury site, you can help them get through this difficult time.


How Foam Rolling Could Help Your Clients

There’s likely to be an increase in people trying exercises they haven’t before or exercising more than usual to make the most of their time outside. This could lead to an increase in minor strains and injuries that would normally require a physio appointment.


With gyms, recreation centres and exercise classes all closed down, there’s a significant likelihood of more people taking up solo sports like running and cycling. While these are great forms of exercise, it’s not uncommon for beginners to get injured through over-use or bad form, particularly in running.


New runners may also be less likely to stretch adequately after runs, increasing the risk of injury. Once injured, they may then avoid exercise entirely, potentially delaying recovery through a sedentary lifestyle. Admittedly, it’s a minefield.


Foam rolling is a form of self-massage that is thought to loosen the fascia, break up scar tissue and improve flexibility. In the absence of a sports massage, foam rolling could be a huge help to isolated patients.


Easing Work-From-Home Tension

It’s not just exercise and over-use that might require foam rolling, working from home can also create a lot of tension that needs massaging out.


The sudden requirement for millions of people to work at home is a nightmare from an occupational health point of view. Most people do not have workplaces set up in their homes and will be using kitchen tables and unsupportive chairs.


While it’s common for office workers to move little during the day, there is still movement to and from work as well as around the office. Movement within the home might be significantly less. Add in an increase in general stress and there are going to be a lot of tense muscles going around.


Foam rolling can offer a lot of relief for muscles tense from hunching over the 10-year-old’s craft desk while trying to conduct a Zoom meeting with Netflix on in the next room.


How to Offer Foam Rolling Guidance Remotely

When faced with a foam roller for the first time, the majority of people won’t have a clue how to use it. While there’s an abundance of YouTube videos on the topic, only you know your patients’ specific needs and are best placed to offer guidance specifically for them.


There are many ways you can offer remote foam rolling guidance. Firstly, you may wish to have a phone consultation with clients who are likely to benefit and see if they’re interested. They can order a foam roller and book in for a remote session with you.


You can also create videos and blog posts that address specific injuries or areas of likely tension. There are several common issues for new runners, for instance, that you could address. This type of content can be shared widely and benefit a wider group of people.


Keeping Your Clients in Good Shape at Home

Foam rollers, along with resistance bands, are one of the cheapest and best pieces of home workout equipment. Foam rollers come in all sorts of sizes and prices but a good quality roller can be used across almost any part of the body.


Our society has made everybody think they need access to a fancy gym to stay in good shape but it’s crises like this that show how little we actually need to keep going just fine. Foam rollers are a perfect example of a piece of home equipment that can have an impressive impact on blood circulation, recovery time and muscle tension.


If you’re looking for foam rollers, you can take a look at our selection. Our foam rollers come in several different styles to suit varying needs and are crafted from durable materials. If you’d like to more advice on which foam roller to buy, get in touch with our team via email.

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