Sports Massage Wax is the original Sports Massage Wax and has been a popular wax over the last 30 years in both New Zealand and Europe. It is used by many therapists involved in sports and remedial massage, as well as many other sports men and women in all types of sport. It is used for massage work on players in first division football, rugby, cricket, swimming, ice-hockey, softball, track athletics, rowing and on jockeys. Another reason why therapists use the Sports blend, even those who are not practising Sports Massage, is that it has a lemony/leathery scent – making it neither herbal or floral and so excellent for use on male and female clients without the issue of a ‘female’ or ‘male’ scent. The essential oils in this formula are Manuka (Leptospermum scoperium) from the same plant as Manuka honey and Lemon (Citrus limonum). Calendula Paste and Hypericum Infused Oil are also part of the formula.
Songbird Sports Massage Wax 100g
Natural Sports Massage Wax is the ideal massage medium for use by sports therapists and all those involved in sports
The precise grip of the muscles leads to a more controlled massage
Contains essentials oils of Manuka and Hypericum, and twice the Arnica as other Massage Waxes
Trusted by sports therapists in New Zealand and the UK for 30 years